
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sorting Backbone subviews in Rails

I recently completed my solo project at App Academy, which can be seen here on Heroku. My polling application has two different index views. One index view is if the current user has not answered the poll, sorted with the most recent at the top. The other index is for the polls they have answered, sorted by their most recently answered polls on top. Each index is a Backbone composite view, consisting of subviews. Every line on the table of polls is a subview, so sorting them turned out to be different than what I first tried. I also had infinite scroll, which probably should have given me a clue on the correct way to solve the problem.

The first place I looked was the Backbone documentation. 
If you define a comparator, it will be used to maintain the collection in sorted order. This means that as models are added, they are inserted at the correct index in collection.models
That seemed to be what I wanted, so I defined a comparator. I wanted the most recent at the top, which could have been done with created_at, but more simply could be done by descending id. Comparator does accept a function with a negative value. Unfortunately, I could not get the order to change in my view. The collection was sorted correctly in my browser console, but my JSON API was not in the correct order. So then I realized my API controller was to blame.
def index
    @polls = Poll.all
The most basic index following RESTful conventions youve probably seen in every Rails tutorial. There is a lot me we could do with this however. Mine ended up as:
def index 
    if params[:answered] == "false" 
        @polls = Poll.where.not(id: current_user.answered_polls).order(id: :desc) 
        @polls = current_user.answered_polls.order(" DESC") 

    @polls = @polls.includes(:responses).page(params[:page]) 
    @page_number = params[:page] 
    @total_pages = @polls.total_pages 
    render :index 
Those last three instance variables were for pagination. I explicitly rendered index here for consistency. All my other actions were rendering JSON, butindex is rendering JSON that I customized in Jbuilder. What is cool here is how both indexes used the association answered_polls differently. In the first view, the id in the resulting table is the, which would be in the same order that a poll was created in the database. The second example was ordering when the user responded to the poll. I only wanted to see the polls they had answered, but I wanted the id of the responses, not the poll. I could not access as a symbol, the way I did in the first example. ActiveRecord is pretty good at it's job, but sometimes you have to give it some SQL in quotes. In order to figure out the filtering and ordering of these two index views, I had to think about how I'd do it in pure SQL. Lucky for me, I love SQL and this solved my sorting problems.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

App Academy: W-9D-2 - Being Accepted

In 9 weeks and 2 days, I will be starting App Academy in San Francisco. For my Pythonistas out there, yes I am aware I may be made fun of for becoming a Rubyist, but I'm confident this is a good decision for me to have career options as a developer for Rails, Backbone, or Django. For those unfamiliar with App Academy, it is a 12 week hacker bootcamp for Ruby, Rails, SQL, JavaScript, and Backbone.js that includes portfolio building, interview preparation and a final project. What is the most different about App Academy is their payment model. Tuition is collected after you get a job, 18% of your yearly earnings payable over 6 months. As someone with two kids too young for public schools, I'm not going to see much of my first 12 paychecks, but it will still be worth the investment.

I learned more about the program through the application and acceptance process. I submitted my application 2.5 weeks ago, never having done any Ruby, but with Python experience. I got an email back the same day for me to do the coding challenge that included reading assignments from Ruby Monk and Chris Pine's Learn to Program. I spent about 5 days learning Ruby very slowly, because I was visiting family. App Academy does not give a deadline for the coding challenge, so you can take the time you need to prepare. I was prepared to do the coding challenge in Ruby, but the directions said I could do Ruby or Python and it would take about 40 minutes. It took me about 20 minutes to do it in Python while my 9 month old was nursing and my almost 3 year old was "going Bananas" with a cartoon on Netflix (Bruno and the Banana Bunch). The next day, I got an email to schedule an interview with a TA. The Skype interview was audio only and consisted of just one programming question. I did make an error with initializing a variable in the wrong level of my nested loops, but solved it in 9 minutes in Python. I made an effort to talk through my logic process while solving the problem. Less than an hour later, I got an email to schedule a final interview with Kush Patel. There was another live coding problem, which took me 12 minutes to solve in Ruby. I talked through some of the logic, but I realized I was humming at one point (something I do when I'm enjoying a problem). Kush did ask some questions to make sure the program could work for me and that I was aware of some of the requirements. I was accepted the next day, which was quite a surprise because it was a Saturday. So from the time I completed the coding challenge, the interview process took me only 6 days.

One of the requirements of the program is the reason I was being silly with my post title. Every weekday, students post a blog entry with the week number and day number. I have 9 weeks and 2 days until my cohort begins, hence negative numbers. Although tuition is collected afterwards, there is a $3,000 deposit. The deposit holds your spot in the program and goes towards that 18% fee (tuition) when you do get a job, plus or minus any money from fees. Fees are used to keep students focused by penalizing tardiness, absences, getting off task with phones or emails, and failing to write daily blog posts. Fines are redistributed among the graduates at the end so that you only lose money if you were worse than your classmates about following the rules. Another rule of the program is that students may be asked to leave the program. Assessments are taken each week to evaluate if someone is falling behind. It is definitely an intense program, but I'm prepared for a challenge. The gamer inside me expected some fireworks or ominous music when I transferred the first $1250 to hold my place in the program yesterday. And so our hero begins her journey... I've currently worked through 12 chapters of Chris Pine's Learn to Program, 2 chapters of Peter Cooper's Beginning Ruby, and the first half of the Ruby Primer section on Ruby Monk. I am preparing to have a strong foundation for W1D1 !!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Recursive Turtle Tree

I know the title of this post may sound like random words thrown together, but it's actually a really cool activity to learn about recursion using the turtle module in Python (Linux users need to install tkinter). I've been learning about algorithms and abstract data structures as part of my faking a CS degree personal mission. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures has been a fantastic resource so far (and free). Although the authors' explanation of recursion is the best I've ever seen, I think I could just add a little to the tree drawing example. Here's the program they provide:

import turtle

def tree(branchLen,t):
    if branchLen > 5:

def main():
    t = turtle.Turtle()
    myWin = turtle.Screen()


Now I'm going to focus on the tree function. Notice tree calls itself twice. Now to step through how this function works, I am going to give each line a number and each recursive call a number such that 1.2 is the second time the first recursive call has been made and 2.3 is the third time the second call has been made. 

def tree(branchLen,t):
0    if branchLen > 5:
    1    t.forward(branchLen)
    2    t.right(20)
    3    tree(branchLen-15,t)     first recursive call
    4    t.left(40)
    5    tree(branchLen-15,t)    second recursive call
    6    t.right(20)
    7    t.backward(branchLen)

Let's trace branchLen = 30, following the code and what the turtle does. I've color coded each recursive call:

Code Line    Action                                Recursive Call
0               Passes > 5 test                       none
1               Forward 30                           none
2               Turns right 20 degrees           none
3               Calls tree(15)                        none
0               Passes > 5 test                      1.1
1               Forward 15                           1.1
2               Turns right 20 degrees            1.1
3               Calls tree(0)                           1.1
0               Fails > 5 test                          1.2
4               Turns Left 40 degrees             1.1
5               Calls tree(0)                           1.1
0               Fails > 5 test                          2.1
6               Turns right 20 degrees            1.1
7               Backward 15                         1.1
4               Turns Left 40 degrees             none
5               Calls tree(15)                         none
0               Passes > 5 test                        2.2
1               Forward 15                            2.2
2               Turns right 20 degrees             2.2
3               Calls tree(0)                            2.2
0               Fails > 5 test                           1.3               
4               Turns Left 40 degrees             2.2
5               Calls tree(0)                           2.2
0               Fails > 5 test                           2.3
6               Turns right 20 degrees            2.2
7               Backward 15                         2.2
6               Turns right 20 degrees            none
7               Backward 30                         none

If you choose a color such as red or orange, you can see how the function is executed in its entirety, but with interruptions. The colors that appear nested, such as orange inside the red, appear higher in the stack frame. They are completed first even though they started second, but the program continues to the red after the orange is completed. The next value of branchLen to create more recursive calls is 45. You could also try tracing tree(45), using tree(30) as a shortcut to emphasize the benefit of recursion.

Coursera -- Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python

A couple months ago, I took a free course on offered by Rice University and taught by Joe Warren, Scott Rixner, John Greiner, and Stephen Wong. Coursera offers the course a couple times a year, with 2014 offerings including March 24th and October 7th. The course is now part of the Fundamentals of Computing specialization and you earn a certificate after completion with the ability to earn additional "distinction" for scoring an A in the course (I did).

I recommend the course for anyone between "Isn't Python a snake?" to "Why should I use classes?" Students learn Python by developing simple games in CodeSkulptor, which includes a simple GUI like PyGame without using a terminal or setting up a coding environment. Homework includes quizzes over video material, building games in Python, and evaluating peers' code. I enjoyed the peer reviews because you can recognize common mistakes and see how other people solved the same problem you did. The game development approach finally helped me understand the point of object oriented programming. I went from fear of using classes, to empowered by building my own classes in the last three weeks of the course.

I am looking forward to the next course in the Fundamentals of Computing specialization, Principles of Computing. It is exciting to have an option for continuing to learn after a course. Us self-taught learners often waste time trying to decide what is the most appropriate and useful for us to learn next. If you can tolerate some corny Big Bang references and want to take your Python development to the level of using and understanding classes, you can enroll for free on