
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Getting Back Into It

It has been awhile since I have posted anything for two reasons. First, I got stuck. Python came easy for me, but programming requires much more than knowing one language. For that reason, I have decided to resume my learning with more elementary programming concepts. Some people learn by doing, but I learn by dissecting. I need to know how and why things work the way they do. Which programming languages came first? How does a program evaluate a complex math problem with variables? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of the languages? What are interpreters and how do they work? How does code become a website? My second reason for my absence is that I had a baby. Now 8 months old, he is a little less demanding of my attention and energy than he was before he was capable of sitting up on his own.

I am currently reading Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. SICP and Little Schemer are used to teach generalized computer programming principles, utilizing the languages of LISP and Scheme for examples. Both books were created at MIT for computer programmers. Lisp is the second oldest programming language still in use. was written in Lisp before it was converted to Python. Unlike how Python is organized by white space, Lisp uses parenthesis. A ridiculous amount of parenthesis. I have not yet attempted to write code in Lisp, but I am anticipating customizing a VIM configuration for using only with Lisp will be beneficial. I am enjoying the conciseness and organization of Lisp, compared to Python. Below is an example of the same mathematical expression in the two languages.

3 * a + 7 + b
(+ (* 3 a) 7 b)

I'll be discussing any "Eureka" revelations here on the blog, though it may take me a couple weeks to get through SICP.

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