
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Caesar Cipher in Python Using ASCII

ASCII is how American computers store numbers, letters, certain commands, and symbols as numbers. A binary byte is eight digits long, consisting of only 1 and 0. When ASCII was developed, there were 2^8, or 256 possible characters for 8-bit (1 byte) personal computers. Unicode is used more commonly and extensively, but ASCII is sufficient or this exercise. Consult an ASCII Table or play with python's default functions to determine the encoding of a character such as 'a', 'A' or '&'.

In python, we can find the ascii value using ord of a string
>>> ord('a')
>>> ord('A')
>>> ord('b')
>>> ord('1')
>>> ord('2')
>>> 3-0
>>> ord('3')-ord('0')

Notice how the lower case and upper case are unique. Also, the ASCII numeric value and the character increase by the same amount. The same trend is true for the continuation of the alphabet, if lower case or upper case characteristic is preserved. The string length must be 1 when using ord, because each index has its own ASCII value.For a multiple digit number or a word, you can use a for loop to go through the string.

The reverse of ord is chr, for character.
>>> chr(97)
>>> i=97
>>> while i<104:
... print chr(i)
... i+=1
>>> alpha=[]
>>> i=97
>>> while i<104:
... alpha.append(chr(i))
... i+=1
>>> print alpha
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']

Caesar's shift was how Caesar communicated with his generals, in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, if an 'a' is encoded by a 'c' with a shift of 2, then a 'b' would be encoded by a 'd.' Reversely, an 'a' in the encoded text would be a 'y' in the plaintext. The following program was inspired by My husband and I had a lot of fun testing and debugging by sending each other messages over email. The code only changes letters so that spaces, smilies, brackets, and other punctuations and characters will be preserved. string.maketrans would be very useful and less code for a one time application, but the following code is highly reusable.

#string will later allow us to test for ascii letters
import string

def encode(input,shift):
#create an empty string
foo = ''
#a for loop to shift the letters by the shift input
for x in input:
#changes only ascii letters
if x in string.ascii_letters:
#upper case end of alphabet, to loop back to A
if ord(x) > ord("Z") - shift and ord(x) <= ord("Z"):
new_ord = ord(x) + shift - 26
#lower case end of alphabet
elif ord(x) > ord("z") - shift and ord(x) <= ord("z"):
new_ord = ord(x) + shift - 26
new_ord = ord(x) + shift
#other characters will remain unchanged
new_ord = ord(x)

new_chr = chr(new_ord)
foo += new_chr

print "Your encoded message is ", foo

def decode(input,shift):
#create an empty string
foo = ''
#a for loop to shift the leters by the shift input
for x in input:
#changes only ascii letters
if x in string.ascii_letters:
#upper case start of alphabet, to loop back to Z
if ord(x) - shift < ord("A") and ord(x) >= ord("A"):
new_ord = ord(x) - shift + 26
#lower case end of alphabet
elif ord(x) - shift < ord("a") and ord(x) >= ord("a"):
new_ord = ord(x) - shift + 26
new_ord = ord(x) - shift
#other characters will remain unchanged
new_ord = ord(x)
new_chr = chr(new_ord)
foo += new_chr
print "Your decoded message is ", foo

def get_shift():
shift = int(raw_input("How many characters do you want to\
print 'Shift must be a number'
shift = get_shift()
if not (shift > 0 and shift <= 25):
print 'Shift must be between 1 and 25'
shift = get_shift()
return shift

def main():
action=raw_input("Welcome to Caeser's Shifter! Would you \
like to encode or decode a message today?\n")
print 'Please type encode or decode'
shift = get_shift()

print "Ok, let's %s your message with a shift of %d." % (action, shift)
input=raw_input("What would you like to be translated?\n")

if action=='encode':
elif action=='decode':

if __name__ == "__main__":

There are probably a few areas where redundancy can be reduced, but I am still learning as a developer. This was my first time trying exception handling, which I learned from my husband.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

' \ ' Escapes in Python

I have previously mentioned that '\n' codes for a new line. The backslash is known in Python as an escape.
>>> print "\tThis is a tabbed line"
This is a tabbed line
>>> print "This sentence \nis split on \nthree lines"
This sentence
is split on
three lines
>>> print "Type \\ for a backslash"
Type \ for a backslash
>>> print "Verticle \vTab"
>>> print "Shopping List: \vPrenatal vitamins \vCocoa Butter \
... \vOrange juice"
Shopping List:
Prenatal vitamins
Cocoa Butter
Orange juice
>>> print "Shopping List: \n\t*Prenatal vitamins \
...\n\t*Cocoa Butter \n\t*Orange juice"
Shopping List:
*Prenatal vitamins
*Cocoa Butter
*Orange juice
>>> print 'Prevent the single quote 5\'5" from ending the string'
Prevent the single quote 5'5" from ending the string
>>> print "Prevent the double quote 5'5\" from ending the string"
Prevent the double quote 5'5" from ending the string

Notice that I also used a backslash in my string so that I could continue onto the next ine without Python thinking my string was done. There are other escapes in Python you can read about. "Carriage return" is a term from type writers to mean that you move to the beginning of a line. Linefeed and formfeed are also typewriter terms. \n and \t will be the most frequently used, though you may also want to be familiar with other escapes for unique problems.