
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Moving :)

I have been busy with reStructuredText lately because I'm moving to I've also been busy with reading entrepreneur blogs and books because our conference management system has been accepted to StartUp Chile to receive $40,000 in equity free funding. July is going to be busy with hacking on different technologies as well as getting our work visas to live in Chile. My new blog will have categories for Code and StartUp, maybe Personal/Travel too, so you can subscribe to which categories you are interested in. I dont have feed burner or RSS set up on the new domain yet, but you can check out my most recent code tutorial on there now. It's a guess the number script using the new preferred string formatting for python. It also addresses some exception handling, the process of developing a script, and a teensy bit about global variables and scope. Please follow me on twitter @housewifehacker